These new updates are rather good and not before time regards the gifting. That is a really welcome addition.
For the next bunch, how about reducing the oil production time? I moved all my bases onto oil and it is still going to take an age to get enough for the last one, never mind that the second from last will still take about a week. Please do something about it.
VE and VJ day went without a murmur, would have been nice to have had another world boss to mark these two occasions, for the mentally challenged, that is Victory in Europe and Victory over Japan. Ergo, the end of the Second WW.
So, once again, thanks for the updates, please do something about the oil timer, 4 and half hours is way too long at this level to try for the last bases.
Speaking of bases, are there any plans to up the numbers?
Not a bad idea if there were to be more, but instead of making them prohibitively expensive, how about reducing them in price, it is obvious that you would have to complete the present ones at the present prices, before you could pick up a cheaper base. That would also give players an incentive to complete their bases.