Dear admin and devs,

I'm just wondering the unexpected or sudden removal of the Espionage Boat (EB) in the Marketplace when in fact it is in the same release batch with Panther One (P1) and Conquest Team (CT) wherein both of them are still available for purchase. I was somewhat disappointed with the boat's removal because I was about to purchase it along side with P1 and CT this weekend. I'm just wondering why the older featured items than EB like The Avenger, Jungle Titan, Counterintelligence Hunter, and RAH-66 Comanche are still available but should be scheduled for phaseout instead of EB which is the newer items as compare to the 4. Would there still be a possibility to reinstate EB in the Marketplace so I can complete the set with P1 and CT this weekend? Looking forward for your consideration and favorable response to this concern and request of mine. Thanks and have a good day.