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View Full Version : Ideas & Suggestions

  1. Taking a poll in EKG BOSS FIGHT ROON-Open Group (0 replies)
  2. How about updating the marketplace (1 replies)
  3. Can we get asecond prompt on withdrawing funds? (6 replies)
  4. In game picture (4 replies)
  5. Warzone Debates (0 replies)
  6. WarZone needs to do something about this game, all we get is rumors... time to act . (4 replies)
  7. Flag add (1 replies)
  8. Collection item gifting (17 replies)
  9. Listen Here you Dev's (9 replies)
  10. Communication with Enemy Attacker (3 replies)
  11. newbie Hints (3 replies)
  12. 9/11 memorial , remembering all who have fallen servicing there country.. (5 replies)
  13. Marketplace (6 replies)
  14. crates and cheating (2 replies)
  15. how much Supplies do you need to pas a level !!? (1 replies)
  16. In memory of Joel A.K.A. CONAN (24 replies)
  17. Armed Forces day why didn't WZ reconize this day? (2 replies)
  18. whats the special on memorial day (1 replies)
  19. Defense boosts (1 replies)
  20. Boss Battles Group (4 replies)
  21. cheating or a bug (0 replies)
  22. defence gear (3 replies)
  23. Option to heal the player I am attacking. (6 replies)
  24. Visualize the Economy on another level (1 replies)
  25. Dry your eyes little guys (1 replies)
  26. Some players should read this MPD about multi`s and mini`s (13 replies)
  27. just saying , (1 replies)
  28. Arena fights (3 replies)
  29. These DuMMy`s wont HIT me BACK! (grrrrrrr) (3 replies)
  30. Boss Money and Armageddon Rate (6 replies)
  31. i need 20 trillion to buy my full army (8 replies)
  32. How about saying Thank You? for a change. . (0 replies)
  33. Are there any revisions planned for ally gifting? (8 replies)
  34. Exploit the exploits. . . . (0 replies)
  35. Unit`s, Upkeep, and Boss Fights. . . screaming pt 2 (14 replies)
  36. Zilch from Bosses. (0 replies)
  37. Money from bosses (80 replies)
  38. Looting dead bosses (3 replies)
  39. §Loot Madness§ Let My People Go (7 replies)
  40. can you add a tmer on sanctions? and also a most powerfull list and most defnce list? (1 replies)
  41. Banners (3 replies)
  42. Future Tense (bosses) (1 replies)
  43. Thank You Devs (for bringing back) The B1 (0 replies)
  44. next mission tier (7 replies)
  45. Thanks for the Limit of Button Mashing (0 replies)
  46. Rocket Turrets (5 replies)
  47. Follow Me (0 replies)
  48. Base production (0 replies)
  49. Players buy/sell from inventories (0 replies)
  50. can you make a page where we see all boss active whit the rewards? (1 replies)
  51. Get Outta Here (leave this boss fight, intruder) (1 replies)
  52. Warzone : Armageddon goes MAINSTREAM! more user than MW, and FV combined! (2 replies)
  53. Blodnovsky we Need New Bosses (0 replies)
  54. Boss Money : Screaming for Justice (12 replies)
  55. Clan features - requesting community feedback (17 replies)
  56. auto clic (5 replies)
  57. Go Fly A Kite (4 replies)
  58. can not to this can not to that (3 replies)
  59. Countrys! (great idea) (7 replies)
  60. take a look at this dev , i not complain i just saying whit prove (6 replies)
  61. Going all out (0 replies)
  62. Instantaneous Sanctions (0 replies)
  63. 200 players still do 1 level day (10 replies)
  64. Module A vs Module B (2 replies)
  65. your idea sucks - two accounts (8 replies)
  66. When placing a sanction, should the game refill the health of the sanctioned player? (3 replies)
  67. exchanging items (0 replies)
  68. reallocation of skills points (12 replies)
  69. energy (4 replies)
  70. junst an idea (19 replies)
  71. Alliances (1 replies)
  72. dev please read this its the last time i bored you here (32 replies)
  73. dev we waiting your promise (0 replies)
  74. why boss kill gifts seem random and not fair? (4 replies)
  75. Sanction party (3 replies)
  76. Heal for $106,909,180 level 950 (2 replies)
  77. Retaining health and supplies (0 replies)
  78. some questions to dev from a top player (10 replies)
  79. cashing in useless loot items (8 replies)
  80. Commenting on profile walls (12 replies)
  81. Increased Allocation Slots for Featured Items via Oil Reserves and HPs Purchases (1 replies)
  82. need new boss who give the masai mask and the barrel (2 replies)
  83. Addition of "KILLS" or "ENEMIES KILLED" at the Top Players Awards Section (2 replies)
  84. Transfer Old Military equipment to allies! (2 replies)
  85. Ally Power (10 replies)
  86. battle (2 replies)
  87. Increased Quantity of Gold and/orAdditional Item that can be claimed for Daily Bonus (0 replies)
  88. Addition or Expansion in the List of Featured Items (1 replies)
  89. Use of Available Cash or Cash Reserves for Purchasing Any Item (1 replies)
  90. Return of Missed and Unpurchased Feature Items (1 replies)
  91. Open the flood gates!!! (2 replies)
  92. The Bat & Anubis boosts (0 replies)
  93. Looting cash from Boss (13 replies)
  94. Timer boost (0 replies)
  95. sharing extra hardware.... (1 replies)
  96. Trading of unused consumable loots for a special item or reward (0 replies)
  97. Increase in the number of featured items (1 replies)
  98. Health Boosts (7 replies)
  99. Limit on the number of players who can claim rewards and other special or traded item (1 replies)
  100. Restriction on attacking lower-level players (1 replies)
  101. Battle Log (13 replies)
  102. Invisible battle strategy of any opponent of choice due to random system selection (1 replies)
  103. Maximum attacks on 1 player in a week (2 replies)
  104. NPC Idea (11 replies)
  105. In-Game Currency Transfers (both money and gold maybe?) (1 replies)
  106. skill points (7 replies)
  107. New Energy function (1 replies)
  108. Lack of Sanctions (7 replies)
  109. Can't Play long!!!! (0 replies)
  110. More Soldier Types (0 replies)
  111. Relating gold and money. (10 replies)
  112. New featured items every WEEK (6 replies)
  113. Adding Allies Shouldn't Require members to be friends on facebook (10 replies)
  114. Increase the limit for gift sending (2 replies)
  115. Adding more loot to marketplace? (3 replies)
  116. Gifting changes (6 replies)
  117. duel points (2 replies)
  118. Sanction Costs (9 replies)
  119. Forum Participation ang Game Growth, (this is for YOU, game dev's) (17 replies)
  120. Question for Admin/Devs (7 replies)
  121. Hey admins !!!!!! (2 replies)
  122. Mission loot (2 replies)
  123. select next 25 button???? (4 replies)
  124. How can the lower leveled players attack Higher leveled players? (13 replies)
  125. Defense list (1 replies)
  126. Remove attack and defense boosts (10 replies)
  127. Suggestion for ADMIN/DEVS (0 replies)
  128. Honor points. (9 replies)
  129. Show money (7 replies)
  130. Several suggestions. (10 replies)
  131. How about a means of transferring mission-required loot items? (3 replies)
  132. Morale Packs Use Anytime (9 replies)
  133. Is this a Wargame or an Economic game? (16 replies)
  134. new gifts and bonuses (2 replies)
  135. Will there be a sanction board? (13 replies)