Every time I log onto this game (Average 3 times a day) there is never any names listed in the sanctions area. Only shows the list of names of players who sit and pounce on each individual new sanctioned members when they appear. That is why only a few players seem to gain all the points available.

Another problem is that some senior players over 1000 level, play only in the sanctions area.

Most players cannot take much time to play this one game, hour after hour. Some rules need to be changed:

1. No player is allowed to remain in sanctions area for no more then 20 minutes every hour. Place a count down timer to show how much time they have left.

2. No player is allowed to defeat players in sanctions that are more then 100 levels above and below. Makes for a better battle.

3. No player is allowed to be sanctioned more then 10 times per 24 hour period. Some players have lost all loot, monies, etc just battling in sanctions.

What do you think?