Module A - I'm dubbing this myself lol the old Warzone, 2011 - 2012
Module B - 2013

I liked Module A much better, will there be a seperation or option to play either one^

That would be cool . . . let's all discuss what chews us about the new module, and what we liked about the old one. Or what we like about the new module, and hated about the old one.

I'll give the goods first, I like how the new module pays for bosses. I especially like it when it actually pays out lol and the money is there.
I also like the new graphics, very nice composure.
New Gold Units look pretty sweet.
Love how there is a contest to pick units.

With this new module I hate that. .

Sanctions are still just as lame.
The game is difficult to process on my adroid, it ran like a dream before. Making it my game of choice, bc I could once easily play on the go.
Characters. I don't get it, it all looks really nice, but as mentioned by many it is a game within a game. With very very lengthy explinations. Oiiii! I just don't get it yet, I suppose. I'll try to wrap my limited attention span on such, but not just yet lol

I'm still busy playing the original game that I love love love. Anyway, just some thoughts. Thanks Devs, and Peers keep it up